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Raising Social Awareness

for Your Social Impact Brand






Social Impact

Social Awareness


September 28, 2021

‘Social awareness’ is often thought of as a concept that is not fully understood by the general public and therefore causes social problems. To have social awareness, is to be able to think from a diverse set of perspectives, and not just from the lens of one’s own identity. Looking at the modern day struggle for the Black Lives Matter movement, it is apparent that not everyone is socially aware of issues faced by the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities. Social awareness does not come easy. Yet, it is necessary in order to better understand each other and work together for the greater good. If all we see is the color purple – purple people, purple leaders, purple art, etc. – it would be pretty easy for us to affiliate much of our ideals with the color purple. It takes social awareness to be able to look past the color purple, and see the full spectrum of colors for what it truly is: beautiful.

The question remains: how can you raise social awareness for your social impact brand?

Improve the Bizdev Component of Your Impact Brand

Publicize your brand! Shout your brand’s purpose from the mountaintops. Improve your company’s bizdev (business development for short) operations. We saw it happen in 2020 with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. After the murders of George Floyd and countless other members of the BIPOC communities, the BLM movement was on full display for all of the World to see. Countless news articles, documentaries and supportive rhetoric circulated society during this time. With governments taking (limited) action, protests in the streets and companies engaging employees in diversity trainings, a person had to make a conscious effort to avoid social awareness. During this time period, social awareness for the BLM movement was at an all-time high.

Below, we discuss how a social impact company’s business development setup can improve social awareness for an impact brand. We focus on our core service offerings of website editing, content creation and sales to achieve this.

Website Editing for an Impact Brand

A company’s website is ‘command central’ for all things digital branding. In order for a company to effectively convey their message, they must first establish a strong website. Website editing for an impact brand should be centered around its mission, its purpose, and its work. A social impact company’s website should include creative content to effectively convey the impact brand in a creative and unique manner. It also needs to be organized in an efficient and effective manner, so that it is easy for a user to navigate.

Content Creation for an Impact Brand

Your company’s content must be creative and unique, in order for your impact brand to receive the recognition that it deserves. Content creation is a key component to an impact brand’s bizdev aspect. Your creative content should be used on your website to engage users to view your website further. It should also be used on social media, to attract attention from a larger group of audience. Your creative content carries your impact brand’s message. Make sure that it is clear, concise and captivating. 

Your brand’s mission should not just sit on your website and collect dust. Put it to use! Publicize it via creative content!

The Power of Sales for an Impact Brand

Sales is not solely transactional. Sales is a method used to establish relationships in the pursuit of brand awareness. The power of sales for a social impact brand is great. By conducting outreach to potential key stakeholders, a social impact company is able to spread awareness for their impact brand and establish key connections that help to amplify their mission. We at Global Grassroots Consulting appreciate all methods of sales outreach, but prefer video messaging as it is new and unique.

Check out this video from our CEO, Ian Shepardson, to learn more about the impact of video messaging on a sales program.


With a focus on bizdev, a company is able to improve social awareness for their cause. An increase in social awareness also means an increase in interest for an impact brand’s mission. It’s a win-win! Business development is a method used to improve and showcase brand excellence for a social impact brand. It is a method of publicly conveying a brand’s mission and work in order to engage with the audience. All of this is done in the pursuit of expanding the impact brand, and therefore increase the impact made. 

For more information on our social impact consulting, head to our website!