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The Power of Sales for Social Impact Organizations






Social Impact Consulting


September 7, 2021

The power of sales within any organization will make or break a company’s longevity. It’s simple, right? More sales means more money. More money means more resources, and with the right allocation, more resources means even more sales. Most business owners strive for this basic concept. What about social impact organizations? Do they follow this same basic principle? Why yes, yes they do!

In this blog post, we discuss the power of sales for social impact organizations. 

What is the Power of Sales?

Sales will make or break a business. With a strong sales effort, an organization will flourish. An increase in sales means an increase in revenue, resources, strategic partners, assets and more. However, a decrease in sales means a decrease in all of the above. Without revenue, resources, strategic partners and assets, a business cannot survive. Therefore, a business cannot survive without sales! A software company can have the most cutting edge, state of the art software setup, but if they lack a strong sales effort, they will not succeed. THAT is the power of sales. It enables organizations to survive, grow and thrive.

What is the Power of Sales for Social Impact Orgs?

Money is necessary to do just about anything in today’s society, including the creation of a positive social impact. Donating clothes, feeding the homeless, social impact consulting, DEI Training and more, all require money. It is inconsiderate to expect people to do this work for free. In order to make money, social impact organizations need a strong sales effort!

For all social impact organizations, money is still the bottom line. After all, what problems can be addressed, what societal change can be made without money? If there is no strong sales effort, a social impact organization will not be able to function. With no social impact organization, there is no social impact. Yet the reverse is true as well. With a strong sales effort, comes greater social impact. With greater social impact, the social impact organization is stronger. THAT is the power of sales for social impact organizations.

But What about the Power of Sales for Nonprofits?

A non-profit organization does not take in any profit, therefore they do not need a sales effort, right? Wrong! Like any business, nonprofits incur expenses that they need to pay in order to stay afloat. Many non-profits earn their money through fundraising and applying for grants. As non-profits, it is a unique way to make money and a big reason why many nonprofits are established. 

However, some non-profits offer goods and services, such as InnerCity Weightlifting (ICW). A former client of ours, ICW earns money by offering fitness training – their trainers are the very people that they uplift within society. We at Global Grassroots Consulting, worked with ICW to among other services, provide sales prospecting and outreach (click here to view details on our work together). Through our sales work, ICW realized the importance of hosting a strong sales team in-house, in order to further their growth and their overall mission.


All companies are different. Some require more intense sales efforts to increase profitability and grow business. Others require little effort as they are able to get by with word of mouth, marketing or in the instance of nonprofits, fundraising. Therefore, the power of sales is different within every organization. Yet, regardless of the level, a sales effort still needs to be established to ensure a company’s success. This is especially true for social impact companies. Social impact companies take on the tall task of providing a positive impact, while earning money at the same time. When you think about it this way, social impact and sales go hand-in-hand!

View our most recent blog post to learn more about how business development consulting can provide a social impact!